Colorado’s Public Workforce System

The public workforce system provides free services to assist employers and job seekers across Colorado.

Colorado’s network of locally-run workforce centers assists thousands of employees and job seekers across the state each year

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Economic impact of Colorado's workforce system.

Economic Impact of Colorado’s Workforce Areas

Colorado’s public workforce system continues to be a powerful driver of economic progress by helping connect job seekers and employers to each other and resources. As illustrated in the infographic, the most recent data show that statewide, Colorado’s public workforce system had an annual economic impact of more than 300 million dollars. This impact is achieved through the services of Colorado’s network of locally run workforce centers and workforce development professionals across the state.

WIOA Statewide Performance Measures

Measures are for PY22, July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. Colorado met all statewide performance by at least 106.3%. Source: Colorado’s Workforce Intelligence Data Expert group

Title I PY22 – Adult

Measures Statewide Standards
Q2 Employment Rate 75.34% 75.0%
Q4 Employment Rate 73.27% 70.0%
Median Earnings $9,158 $7,273
Credential Rate 73.66% 78.8%
Measurable Skills Gains 67.95% 63.5%

Title I PY22 – Dislocated Workers

Measures Statewide Standards
Q2 Employment Rate 74.79% 74.0%
Q4 Employment Rate 78.32% 76.0%
Median Earnings $11,312 $10,500
Credential Rate 81.96% 70.0%
Measurable Skills Gains 66.62% 65.0%

Title I PY22 – Youth

Measures Statewide Standards
Q2 Employment Rate 73.97% 68.2%
Q4 Employment Rate 72.72% 67.0%
Median Earnings $4,966 $4,073
Credential Rate 60.39% 62.0%
Measurable Skills Gains 63.50% 55.0%


Title II PY22 – Adult Education

Measures Statewide Standards
Q2 Employment Rate 24.00% 21.6%
Q4 Employment Rate 15.15% 24.0%
Median Earnings $6,756 $5,750
Credential Rate 16.55% 17.6%
Measurable Skills Gains 44.48% 40.0%

Title III PY22 – Wagner-Peyser

Measures Statewide Standards
Q2 Employment Rate 60.33% 55.0%
Q4 Employment Rate 56.83% 56.0%
Median Earnings $7,848 $6,200

Title IV PY22 – Vocational Rehabilitation

Measures Statewide Standards
Q2 Entered Employment Rate 57.5% 51.8%
Q4 Entered Employment Rate 53.8% 49.8%
Median Earnings $5,146 $4,413
Credential Rate 33.1% 25.5%
Measurable Skills Gains 25.37% 32.0%


Median Wages of Staff Assisted Participants, PY16 – PY20

This chart shows the median wages of Wagner-Peyser participants who were successfully employed from PY16 – PY20 (in both part-time and full-time employment), including median wages prior to entry, at entry, and up through 4-years after program participation.

Median Wages of Staff Assisted Participants

Source: Colorado’s Workforce Intelligence Data Expert group

Employment Sustainability, WIOA Participants vs. Not Staff Assisted, PY16 – PY20

This chart shows the average percent employment at two, four, 8, 12, and 16 quarters after exit. WIOA exiters from PY16 – PY20 were employed at a higher average percentage than non-staff assisted or self-service customers.

Employment Sustainability, WIOA Participants vs. Not Staff Assisted

Source: Colorado’s Workforce Intelligence Data Expert group

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